It's not that hard to stop foot odor.
Shoes: Invest in more than one pair of shoes. Wearing a different pair of shoes as often as possible greatly reduces the growth of bacteria that cause foot odor. It is also important that shoes not be too tight, trapping moisture next to the skin, and that they "breathe." Canvas and leather shoes allow for the greatest air circulation.
It is also a good idea to buy shoes that are washable. If your shoes can be washed, throw them in the washing machine or brush the insides with a small amount of detergent. Let your shoes completely dry out before you wear them again-wearing shoes that are still damp is an almost sure way to develop foot odor! To dry shoes, use a shoe dryer, or a hair dryer on the outside and then stuff the inside with newspaper and allow to dry overnight.
Cleaning: Wash your feet daily or several times a day with a strong antibacterial soap, just as you would for body sweat. Be sure to wash between your toes, and wash your entire foot with a clean washcloth. This is important for removing the dead skin cells that feed the bacteria that make particularly stinky smells.
Change your socks: Change your socks every day or even several times a day. Just because socks aren't filthy yet doesn't mean they are fit to wear! Wash socks in antibacterial detergent and hot (118ยฐ F /48ยฐ C) water. Cotton socks hold the least odor.
Wear absorbent socks: Try to make sure your socks are made of a thick, absorbent material to soak up sweat. Drymax Sports Socks make a special line of socks specifically designed to soak up sweat.
Foot Powder: Dust your feet with a powder to help absorb moisture. Dr. Scholl's Odor Destroyers medicated powder is designed to absorb moisture and relieve itching that can come with sweat. Odor Eaters makes a powder that is fairly effective at absorbing smell. Baking soda will also absorb moisture and kill some of the bacteria.
Shoe Inserts: Inserts can help absorb moisture and reduce the odor. Most shoe inserts are made form a fabric laced with activated charcoal. Odor Eaters makes an insole that has a charcoal filter to absorb moisture and smell. Dr. Scholl's makes inserts designed to absorb moisture and odor.
Shoe/Sock Spray: Spray your shoes with a substance that kills the bacteria that cause foot odor, rather just trapping the odor. Ecoteam's Deodorant Foot Spray is very effective, because unlike powders and insoles which aim to absorb moisture, this spray actually kills the bacteria in shoes and socks that are causing the smell. It is particularly useful if you are out and can't change shoes or socks.
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